D3 charts with AngularJS

There are many ways to draw D3 graphs with AngularJS framework. This post will show you one of the simplest ways to do it. Below are the steps for draw a D3 path by creating an Angular Directive.

  • Create Angular Directive
(function () {
 'use strict';
 .directive('d3Path', [function () {
 return {
  restrict: 'EA',
  scope: {
  ready: '=',
  valueAccessor: '='
 link: function (scope, iElement) {
  var chart;
  'id': 'path-container',
  'width': 200,
  'height': 200
 .append('g').attr( {'transform':'translate(0,5)'});
 scope.$watch('ready', function (newVals) {
   return scope.render(newVals);
 }, true);

// define render function
 scope.render = function (ready) {
  if (ready) {
    chart = new D3Path(scope.valueAccessor(),

// function for draw D3 path
function D3Path(value, containerId) {
 var self = this, path, pathData = value, totalLength;
 options = {
 lineFunction: d3.svg.line()
 .x(function (d) { return d.x; })
 .y(function (d) { return d.y; })

 self.chart = function () {
 path = d3.select('#' + containerId).select('g').append('path')
 .attr('d', options.lineFunction(pathData))
 .attr('stroke-width', 2)
 .attr('fill', 'none');

 totalLength = path.node().getTotalLength();

 .attr('stroke-dasharray', totalLength + " " + totalLength)
 .attr('stroke-dashoffset', totalLength)
 .attr('stroke-dashoffset', 0);

 return self;

 return self.chart();
  • include the element in html page


  •  Feed data through exampleControler.js
(function () {
 'use strict';

 .controller('exampleController', ['$scope', 
function ($scope) {
 var vm = this;
 vm.dataReady = function () {
        reurn true;
 vm.valueAccessor = getPathData;

function getPathData() {
var lineData = [{ "x": 1, "y": Math.random() * 100 }, 
      { "x": 20, "y": Math.random() * 100 },
      { "x": 40, "y": Math.random() * 100 }, 
      { "x": 60, "y": Math.random() * 100 },
      { "x": 80, "y": Math.random() * 100 }, 
      { "x": 100, "y": Math.random() * 100 },
      { "x": 120, "y": Math.random() * 100 }

 return lineData;

  • application.js
(function () {
angular.module('exampleAngular', [

angular.module('exampleAngular.services', []);
angular.module('exampleAngular.controllers', []);
angular.module('exampleAngular.directives', []);